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About Weston's Warriors | The Business

Hi, We are Autumn & Jordan | We are Warriors.

We are a local Knoxville couple doing our best to raise our family.

On the morning of January 28th, our 3 year old son didn’t wake up.

We struggle to grip life the same way we once could. In the days and weeks since that awful morning, life has kept going while our souls stand in that moment waiting for answers we know we can never really get. Our financial situation crumbled. Our every effort went into surviving, into providing for our children and surviving without one of them.

Our reality is something we wish wasn’t anyone’s reality, but unfortunately it is. It’s ours. We hope to take this tragedy and create blessings where they shouldn’t be able to grow. We want Weston’s memory to live on in what he loved.He loved Fun. He loved Family. And he loved Dragons.

Weston’s Warriors Events & Marketing will focus on events in and around our own community, while building bridges between these small communities and allowing our neighbors, family, and friends, to benefit from what a strong small-business minded community can offer.

Our mission is true - we’re fighting. We’re fighting a lot of things, but with this business, we’re fighting for all of us. For our village. The ones that showed up for us when we needed them, and the ones who will need us to show up for them.

Using our connections with other small businesses, local businesses, and specialists in their fields - our mission is in full motion already and we hope you join us.

We can promise to put our best forward to connect you with community and kindness - and we’re hoping you’re ready to work with us, too!

Autumn was born and raised in Illinois, but relocated to Tennessee as a young adult. This move was intentional to connect with family & build a village. Jordan is also a Tennessee transplant with extended family in the state & relocated intentionally while in his youth, to connect. Unfortunately, family isn't always what we hope it can be.

So we made our own.

We created this event planning business to invest in our community in a real and tangible way.

With meeting so many new people over the months since Weston’s death, we found many lack the community they crave. Let’s work together and fight for kindness, community, and connection.

Our Mission

Our mission is clear; Weston's Warriors fights for kindness, community, and connection. And our fight is one we’re very passionate about. In a world where day to day life can be hard, kindness can be harder.

We know as much as anyone how important kindness can be - this year being the hardest - hopefully for our entire lives. But we work hard to put kindness first; You’ll see this in our reviews, in speaking with our partners, and in your own experiences with us.

With time and technology, the world is a smaller place but still neighborhoods and local community spots have gotten lost in the shuffle.

There are great locations already here to offer affordable, family friendly entertainment.

We focus small business and local business, because Weston’s Warriors wants to build community and tradition using space already in the communities Knoxville area.

Using our connections with other small businesses, local businesses, and specialists in their fields - our mission is in full motion already and we hope you join us. We can promise to put our best forward to connect you with community and kindness - and we’re hoping you’re ready to work with us as a vendor, partner, client, or supplier, too!

Our Village Board | It's a Family Business

Weston's Warriors takes actions based on the decisions of more than just one person or couple. We have a board of directors that we lovingly call our Village Board. Each person does active labor toward our mission statement.

We also have a wonderful (and growing) group of Partners.

Autumn Martin

Founder & CEO / Co-Chair of the Board

Jordan Wilson

Founder & CEO / Co-Chair of the Village Board

Donna Martin

Senior Executive Assistant | Home Office

Dick VanNatta

Director of Integration & Coordination of Knowledge

Eva Colvin

Executive Marketing Coordinator

McKinzie Hall

Senior Executive Assistant | Location

Daniel Martin

Director of Food Services